ASTM F1037: Standard Test Method for Visual Rating of Appearance of Resilient Floors
Standard: ASTM F1037 – Standard Test Method for Visual Rating of Appearance of Resilient Floors After In-Service Exposure to Foot Traffic
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM F1037: "This test method is intended to provide a numerical rating system for classification of resilient floors during the various stages of their wear life in relation to their condition, as perceived by a knowledgeable user."
Applicable Products: Resilient flooring
Test Procedure: Cleaning solution is applied in a thin coat on the test specimens for a period of 3 minutes. A brush is then dipped in the solution and used to scrub the specimen 30 times in each direction. The cleaning solution is removed with a cellulose sponge and specimens are allowed to air dry for 1 hour. Each specimen then receives a finish and buffing. Each specimen is rated by a three-person panel. The panel consists of two people who are technically trained areas related to flooring, while the other is non-technically trained but regularly maintains floors. Specimens are laid horizontally on a 30 in. high table that allows viewing from all angles. A template is used to compare an unexposed specimen to the worn test specimens. The specimens are given a rating by the observers based on scores for gloss, color, surface texture, and restorative maintenance.
End Result: This test results in the visual rating of the flooring specimens.
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA