ASTM F1265: Standard Test Method for Resistance to Impact for Resilient Floor Tile
Standard: ASTM F1265 – Standard Test Method for Resistance to Impact for Resilient Floor Tile
Certification Required: N/A
Scope: Per ASTM F1265: "This test method measures the resistance to impact of resilient floor tile."
Applicable Products: Resilient flooring
Test Procedure: A thin coat of zinc oxide paste is applied to the center of the wearing surface of the specimen to create a 3 in. diameter circle. The coated side is placed down on three ball supports so that the impact will occur at the center of the specimen. The required weight is dropped is dropped from the specified height for the specified number of times. After the set number of impacts has been reached the specimen is examined for breaks or cracks beyond the coated circle. A specimen is considered to have failed when a crack or break is observed outside of the coated circle.
End Result: This test results in the number of specimens that passed and failed.
Special Notes: N/A
Intertek Testing Locations: York, PA