UL 2162: Standard for Commercial Wood-Fired Baking Ovens – Refractory Type
Standard: UL 2162 - Standard for Commercial Wood-Fired Baking Ovens – Refractory Type
Certification Required: Certification to UL 2162 is typically needed for commercial installations of baking ovens, wood fired grills and wood smokers.
Scope: In general, normal and abnormal testing is performed to verify clearances to combustible construction in the vicinity of the appliance, including fuel storage areas integrated into the appliance. Temperatures of any electrical components will also be monitored for compliance to temperature limits.
Applicable Products: UL 2162 is specific to wood fired baking ovens, such as pizza ovens and bread baking ovens. However, due to lack of specific standards, wood smokers and open top wood and charcoal fired grills can be tested and certified in accordance with UL 2162.
These products can be tested as a field evaluation and a field label at the final installed location. A field label is not a certification but is generally acceptable to local inspectors and authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ’s) in the United States.
Test Procedure: Wood fired baking ovens are tested using Brands, as described in UL 2162. The size of the Brands are limited in size, based on total area of the baking surface. The oven is fired until the normal operating temperature is achieved. The oven is then fired at an abnormal, over temperature, until all components and combustible construction surrounding the oven is at equilibrium temperatures. Smokers and grills are operated using fuel specified by the manufacturer to a normal operating temperature. The abnormal operation test is performed with an abnormally larger fuel load.
End Result: A successful completion of these tests will result in specified clearances to combustible construction and is eligible for product certification by Intertek.
Intertek Testing Locations: Middleton, WI