Intertek offers service-specific Web portals for many of our clients. Features include access to online test reports and management of testing projects for certain services.
My TestCentral (MTC)
Provides secure online access to select service-specific testing and certification reports
For building product manufacturers looking to streamline their product approval processes
Mobile and Software Application Portals
For mobile software, applications, and content developers looking to reach more networks
For clients of Intertek Minerals. Submit samples online; view and download test results.
For Business Assurance clients, iEnable will allow you to securely view and download schedules, audit reports, and certificates, as well as upload corrective actions and supporting evidence for submission to Intertek following your audit.
InterLink™ enables users to get a comprehensive view of their supply chain by delivering business intelligence on a single platform, providing a holistic view of products and suppliers and easy access to information. InterLink™ also offers users convenient dashboards, customization options and a smooth onboarding process with self-paced online training.
Intertek Inlight™
Intertek’s Inlight™ solution helps companies manage and mitigate risks in their supply chain, through a proven methodology and assurance process including supplier onboarding, assessment and risk analysis services. By utilizing Inlight™, clients increase overall supply chain transparency, while also facilitating supply chain improvements necessary to make informed business decisions.
Global Supply Chain Compliance (GSCC):
GSCC is an operating platform for inspection and audit activities that allows clients to plan, schedule, track and analyze their suppliers’ audit performance. The platform is integrated with Intertek Audit Standards Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA), Supplier Qualification Program (SQP), Global Security Verification (GSV), Think Green Initiative (TGI) , providing tools to measure and benchmark supplier performance improvements.
i2Q enables global retailers and brands to optimize product inspections and improve quality through powerful business intelligence, while helping to increase transparency with real-time inspection data.
iCare is a one-stop science-based customer excellence portal for suppliers to manage their testing processes end to end with full transparency and traceability. Suppliers can submit test requests, view reports, and connect with customer service and experts online, 24/7. iCare is Total Quality in a few clicks.
ToxClear is an innovative digital chemical management platform for fashion industry stakeholders to detox their supply chains by reducing hazardous chemicals used in the input, process, and output stages.
Global Market Access
Global Market Access - GMA (Softlines and Hardlines) is a one-stop digital knowledge portal to expediate global market access of soft goods, hard goods and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It offers bespoke global compliance information, including regulatory sheet, test plan, recall summary and gap analysis across 40 different global markets based on product type 24/7.
Additional customer-branded portals and extranets, such as SharePoint, may be available but are not publicly listed. Please contact your Intertek account representative for additional access instructions or for assistance logging in.