NBA Jam Arcade 1up
Manufacturer’s description:

The 57” tall arcade (on a riser) has a 4-player control deck with real feel joysticks and control buttons. The Arcade1Up NBA JAM™ arcade features original artwork on the machine and includes a custom riser. These features, combined with full-color 17” LCD display and dual speakers, will provide you with endless hours of gaming for you and three of your friends! The machine is easy to assemble, includes a deck protector and has a variable volume switch.

NBA Jam Arcade 1 up
Model No. | #8217 #7754 #8063 #8063C #8055 |
Software version: | 2.4 |
Firmware version: | 1.6 |
EXPIREDCyber Assured Certified
Certification ID: | 200001 |
Certification: | Cyber Assured 1.0 |
Certified On: | 25 Mar 2020 |
Expires On: | 25 Mar 2021 |