Flow assurance optimization for oil and gas production.
Intertek provides expert flow assurance services and Total Quality Assurance solutions for deepwater and cold climate drilling and production. Successful flow assurance requires multi-disciplinary expertise. Experienced flow assurance staff and essential equipment to perform experimentation and evaluation work required to handle all areas of flow assurance. Hydrate and paraffins tests are designed to ensure economical solutions are employed when operating in high pressure and low temperature environments.
Flow assurance:
- Gas Hydrates, Paraffins, Waxes, Asphaltenes, Emulsions
- Foaming, Erosion, Kinetic Inhibition
- Scale Prediction and Inhibition Services
- Chemical Compatibility, Anti-Agglomerates
- Deepwater Offshore Services
- Corrosion Testing and Consulting Services
- Pressure and Temperature Management
- Perforation Optimization
- Flow Troubleshooting and Consultancy
- Filtercake Return Permeability Testing
- Lost Circulation Materials
- Gas Hydrates, Asphaltenes, Emulsions
- Paraffin and Wax Flow Assurance Services
Flow assurance scaling prediction, prevention and remediation:
Intertek evaluates scaling tendencies throughout the life of a reservoir. Capabilities include sampling, analytical testing, research and predictive models.
Scaling tendency:
- Onsite Sampling and Analysis
- Re-equilibration of brines at reservoir conditions to 400F
- Compositional analysis to ppb levels with ICP-MS
- Reconstruction of brine contaminated with drilling fluid
- Geochemical modeling
- Compatibility assessment
- Waterflood design
- Remedial options
- Inhibitor selection, multi-functional inhibitors research
- Drilling/completion fluid design
- Low temperature applications
- Additives options, Novel intervention methods
Flow assurance: