Special core analysis services for oil and gas.
Our Upstream Services team provides oil and gas, exploration and production customers with Total Quality Assurance SCAL Core Evaluation services, going well beyond routine core analysis. Working with upstream clients, the laboratory tests cores for geological and reservoir properties, along with petrographic studies, providing a more detailed understanding and evaluation of reservoir formations. A wide range of valuable data can be obtained using SCAL.
Special core analysis (SCAL) measurement capabilities:
- Capillary Pressure
- Relative Permeability
- Steady-state and Unsteady state
- Wettability Determination
- Reservoir Condition Corefloods
- Improved Oil Recovery (IOR, EOR) Studies
- Petrophysical Correlation Measurements
- Archie Exponents - a, m, n
- NMR Core Analysis
- Core Geomechanics, Core Mechanical Properties
- Pore Volume Compressibility
- Formation Damage Remediation
- Rock Fluid Sensitivity
- Mobile Fines (Fines Particle Migration)
- Fluid Compatibility
- Mud Completion Fluid Damage
- Perforation Optimization
- Relative Permeability Effects
- Asphaltene Precipitation
- Computed Tomography CT Scan Evaluation
- Petroleum Core Analysis
- And more
Oil and gas core analysis: