For the Uganda PVoC there are four routes of certification
Route A - Occasional Exports
- No product registration
- Product Testing and Shipment Inspection
- Issuance of CoC
Route B - Frequent Exporters
- Product registration
- Shipment Inspection and random Product testing
- Issuance of CoC
Route C - Frequent Exporters and High Volume Manufacturers
- Product licensing
- Licence review and random Product testing
- Issuance of CoC
Route D – UNBS Registered Consolidators
- Consolidator Registration with UNBS
- Product Testing and Shipment Inspection
- Issuance of CoC
Intertek can provide a tailor-made service that meets your particular needs, including:
- Submission of assessment requests online
- Automated e-mails for status of certificates
- Flexible certificate delivery solutions for high volume users
Remote Inspection with Inview
Minimise disruption to your trade business with our Inview remote inspection solution.

Expedited Trade with FastTek
FastTek is a customised global trade solution that provides expedited certification to get trade moving faster.
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