Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) partners with Intertek!
The “Best for Kids” Program was developed to allow manufacturers of window covering products that have no cords or inaccessible inner cords, in accordance with Appendix C of ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2012, to certify their products as approved for use in homes and facilities where young children may be present.
Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA) has chosen Intertek as their partner to review products against a set of standard criteria and issue a pass/fail report to determine the products eligibility to participate in the program.
Testing for the “Best for Kids” Certification Program includes:
- Visual (checking to confirm no cords)(Section 4.4 ANSI/WCMA A100.1-2014)
- If the inner cords are present – Testing as per Appendix C is needed
- If the inner cords are accessible as per Appendix C – Testing as per Appendix D is needed
As per WCMA, Intertek will issue a test report after the assessment indicating if the product meets the program criteria. As soon as the test reports are issued indicating the product eligibility for the program, the client can then engage with the WCMA for the details on how to label products properly. In addition, WCMA requires all labeled products to submit for an annual evaluation in order to maintain eligibility for the program.
Do you have additional questions on testing of window coverings? Please contact:
Delilah Sierra, Sr. Project Coordinator
Direct: (847) 871-1043
Cell: (224) 542-8339