ISO 8217 bunker fuel testing for quality and compliance.
Marine bunker fuel oil is tested to ISO 8217 specifications by Intertek laboratories, helping ship bunker fuel comply with Marpol Annex VI, the EU Sulphur Directive, Sulphur Emission Control Area (ECA) requirements, and other commercial, legal and quality standards. Intertek expertise in bunker fuel services help clients protect expensive ship engines, reduce down-time risks, and comply with environmental regulations.
ISO 8217 bunker fuel oil testing capabilities:
ISO 2719: Flash Point, Pensky-Martens
ISO 3679: Flash point, rapid equilibrium
ISO 3015: Cloud Point
ISO 3016: Pour Point
ISO 3104: Kinematic viscosity
ISO 3675: Density, Hydrometer method
ISO 12185: Density, Oscillating U-tube
ISO 3733:Water Content
ISO 4264: Cetane index
ISO 6245: Ash content
ISO 8754: Sulfur content, energy-dispersive x-ray (XRF)
ISO 14596: Sulfur content, wavelength-dispersive x-ray (XRD)
ISO 103071: Total sediment
ISO 10307-2: Total sediment
ISO 10370: Carbon residue
ISO 10478: Aluminium and silicon in fuel oils (ICP, AA)
ISO 12156-1: Lubricity (HFRR)
ISO 12205: Oxidation stability
ISO 12937: Water content, Karl Fischer titration
ISO 14597: Vanadium and Nickel content
EN 14078: Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content
EN 14214: Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) for diesel
IP 470: Aluminium, Silicon, Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, Calcium, zinc and Sodium in residual fuel oil
IP 500: Phosphorus content of residual fuels by ultra-violet spectrometry
IP 501: Aluminium, Silicon, Vanadium, Nickel, Iron, Sodium, Calcium, Zinc and Phosphorus in residual fuel oil
IP 570: H2S Testing for Bunker Fuels (Hydrogen Sulfide in bunker fuel oils)
ASTM D664-09: Acid Number
ASTM D6751: Biodiesel fuel blend stock (B100)
Intertek operates one of the largest independent network of refined fuel and biofuel marine fuels testing laboratories in the world. Intertek laboratories run testing to international industry standards, including ISO, IP, EN and ASTM.
Bunker fuel quality services:
- Bunker Quantity Survey
- Bunker Fuel Testing
- Bunker Fuel Adulterant Testing ISO 8217
- ISO 8217 Fuel Standard