Intertek LSI is a global leader in commercial assaying providing metals and minerals clients with assurance of the quality and quantity of their shipments.
Intertek LSI provides independent inspection, sampling, testing and certification services at load and discharge ports globally. Our trained professionals represent clients’ interests to ensure international standards are met and the quantity and quality value of minerals commodity shipments are protected, reducing commercial risk in the trading environment.

Intertek LSI is an industry leader for accuracy, service and quality, specialising in party assays, umpire assays and elemental analysis ranging from purity of metals to low concentration impurities. The latest instrumentation combined with classical analytical techniques carried out by our experienced team of chemists give assurance to clients requiring high quality analysis suitable for commercial settlement.
LSI was the first non-British laboratory to be listed by the London Metal Exchange (LME) in 1998 and is also listed by the Minor Metals Trade Association (MMTA). Founded in 1994 to provide independent high quality non-ferrous metal, ferro-alloys and metal concentrate commercial settlement assays to miners, producers, traders and end consumers, LSI’s high quality analytical services are supported by the global inspections services of the Intertek network.
In 2012 Intertek acquired LSI. Combining the high quality commercial settlement analytical services from the LSI laboratory in Rotterdam with the global inspections services of the Intertek network is the basis of our strong global minerals team.
Intertek is a member of the International Federation of Inspection Agencies (IFIA) and performs inspection services to global industry standards. Accreditation of our laboratories and inspection services to international ISO standards 17025 and 9001 along with our technical expertise provides assurance of consistently high quality and reliability.
Inspection, supervision, Sampling and Analysis Services