Water Draw pipe proving and calibration for the oil and gas industry.
Intertek Water Draw pipe prover services include expert calibrating of pipe provers, witnessing, and related pipe prover activities and expertise. Additional services include repairing pipe provers, meter fabrication, meter calibration, trouble-shooting, accurate flow rate measurement, and more.
Intertek’s prover calibration services provide expert calibration of provers, witnessing, related prover activities, and related expertise. Intertek calibrates provers using the water draw and master meter methods for prover calibration. Additional services include prover repair, meter calibration, and trouble-shooting accuracy between meters and provers.
Prover calibration units are portable, and are brought on-site. The water draw units work with sphere and piston provers at approximately 70 gallons per minute. Test measures range from 1 gallon to 200 gallons, and have been certified by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). For Master Meter method of calibration, master meter is mounted on portable master provers. Master meter method is capable of flow rate ranges from 40 gallons per minute to 720 gallons per minute.
Water Draw pipe proving is carried out according to API MPMS (Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards), chapters 4, 11, and 12.
Metering and Calibration Expertise