Ensuring the transparency, credibility and independence of methane emissions certification
Methane emissions are a climate risk, and at COP26 more than 100 countries agreed to The Global Methane Pledge, a collective effort to reduce global methane emissions by at least 30% from 2020 levels by 2030.
Although natural gas is comprised of 70-90% methane, it is still considered the cleanest fossil fuel. Companies working in the gas sector are striving to identify and implement technologies and practices that will help to more effectively monitor and measure emissions. Owners, operators, buyers, regulators and other gas industry participants need trusted and consistent emission certification standards to help them achieve global methane emission reduction.
A leading methane emissions certification standard, MiQ creates incentives for the reduction of methane emissions across the oil and gas sector by delivering a thriving market for independently certified gas.
As an accredited MiQ Auditor for the Onshore Production Standard, Intertek will use the MiQ Standard, an independent framework for assessing methane emissions from the production of natural gas, to help assess how well a producer or facility is managing operational methane emissions. Auditors evaluate the methane intensity, company practices and monitoring technology deployment on a client’s production facility to provide a grade. These grades allow producers to differentiate their natural gas.
Intertek is committed to sustainability. Our initiatives support independent, consistent and measurable emission evaluation, whether that be carbon, methane or other greenhouse gases. Intertek CarbonClear and CarbonZero programs provide the trusted and detailed evaluation and reporting that companies have come to rely on. With lead auditors based in the Americas, Europe and Asia, Intertek is well-positioned to provide the global expert support companies need to help them evaluate, validate, measure, improve and ultimately achieve their sustainability goals.
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