Vol. 991 | 06 Oct 2017

On 9 August 2017, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published an amended version of European standard EN 71-3:2013+A2:2017, Safety of toys - Part 3: Migration of certain elements.

The amendments are primarily related to the analysis method of organic tin and are highlighted as below:

  • Annex G: 5.2 emphasized to the importance to adapt the calibration solutions for the requirements of Category I and II toy materials
  • Annex G: 6.1 added Multiple Reaction Monitoring (MRM) mode as an analysis alternative
  • Annex H: 10: added precautions to avoid false positive results of organic tin which can be formed from inorganic tin during derivatisation under certain condition.

EN 71-3:2013+A2:2017 will be given the status of a national standard and the conflicting national standards will be withdrawn by February 2018 at the latest. This standard is expected to be harmonized under the Toys Safety Directive 2009/48/EC when accepted by the European Commission (EC) and published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).

For more information, please contact: John.wong@intertek.com


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