Intertek provides the complete solution for compliance with the EU CLP Regulation (1272/2008) for classification, labelling, and packaging requirements.
The European Union’s Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) Regulation (EC)1272/2008 was enacted to protect workers, consumers and the environment from hazardous chemicals. The CLP Regulation incorporates the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals criteria and also compliments the EU REACH Regulation.
The CLP Regulation applies to your business if you manufacture, import, use or distribute chemical substances or mixtures into the EU market. Compliance with the new EU regulation managing classification, notification and product safety labelling is required for most substances, irrespective of tonnage and use. Meeting the CLP requirements are prerequisites to market access to the EU and will need to be addressed by your business alongside the challenging REACH deadlines already facing companies on the EU market.
Important CLP Deadlines:
- December 1, 2010 – classification, labelling, & packaging of substances
- January 3, 2011 – Report certain substances to Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory unless already submitted to ECHA as part of a REACH registration process.
- June 1, 2015 – classification, labelling, & packaging of mixtures
CLP Regulation Compliance Services
Intertek provides global expertise by helping companies identify their CLP regulatory obligations and prepare notification dossiers for submission to the ECHA. Intertek also offers full declaration support and a strategy and training package to support companies in meeting the CLP compliance requirements.
Intertek's CLP Compliance Services include:
- Identification of obligations under CLP and REACH
- Re-classification of substances and mixtures to meet the new CLP requirements
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) authoring or updating to verify that all CLP and REACH requirements are met and that classification of substances have been properly assigned
- Hazard Communication - Creation of CLP compliant labels and ensure correspondence with safety data sheets
- Support the required hazardous declaration to the European Chemical Agency (ECHA)
- Intertek can prepare CLP notification dossier to the Classification and Labelling (C&L) Inventory utilizing IUCLID 5 software
- CLP consulting and compliance strategy
- Chemicals Training and Auditing