Differentiate your Photovoltaic (PV) products in a competitive market by substantiating your value proposition and marketing claims with independent, third-party performance testing from Intertek
Our photovoltaic performance laboratory testing services for solar panel products provides independent verification of warranty claims, endurance, output, and functionality in a variety of climate or conditions.
Intertek is now offering services for all three parts of the new National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Photovoltaic Module Qualification Plus Testing - Component Testing, Module Testing, and Quality Management System audits.
Our Services
- Product Development: Find failure modes and degradation mechanism on your product earlier in the development process.
- Accelerated Performance Degradation
- Accelerated UV
- Accelerated Temperature and Thermal Cycling
- Accelerated Structural Degradation
- Mechanical, Vibration and Shock Cycling
- Thermal Cycling
- Miami-Dade County Testing (salt spray and humidity)
- Highly Accelerated Life Testing (HALT)
- Failure Mode Verification Testing (FMVT)
- Accelerated Reliability Testing
- Performance Mapping: Determine the effect of multiple factors on your product over time. Prove the superior performance of your product over time.
Product Validation: Beyond meeting the standards, prove product performance to your customers.
- Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Demonstration
- Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) Measurement
- Efficiency Demonstration – prove your product will meet its target efficiency at 10, 20, 30 years or more.
Related Links
Knowledge Center
Quick Facts for Solar Thermal Products Fact Sheet
Building Integrated PV Testing Fact Sheet
Solar Thermal System Testing Fact Sheet
Electroluminescence Imaging of PV Modules Fact Sheet
PV Module Testing, Certification & Declarations Fact Sheet
Photovoltaic Panel & Module Compliance to IEC 61730
UN 38.3 and the Transportation of Lithium Batteries: A Webinar Series
Smart Inverter Communication Protocol: Sunspec CSIP & IEEE 2030.5 Compliance Webinar
Updated FCC Approval Process Webinar