Effective March 31, 2015
Standard Information
Standard Number: CSA C22.2 No. 42
Standard Name: General use receptacles, attachment plugs, and similar wiring devices
Standard Edition and Issue Date: 6th Edition Issued September 01, 1999
Date of Revisions: 6th Edition Revised October 01, 2008
Date of Previous Revisions to Standard: 6th Edition Revised September 01, 2007
Effective Date of New/Revised Requirements |
Effective Date (see Schedule below): March 31, 2015
Impact, Overview, Fees and Action Required
Impact Statement: A review of all Listing Reports is necessary to determine which products comply with new/revised requirements and which products will require re-evaluation. NOTE: Effective immediately, this revised standard will be exclusively used for evaluation of new products unless the Applicant requests in writing that current requirements be used along with their understanding that their listings will be withdrawn on Effective Date noted above, unless the product is found to comply with new/revised requirements.
Overview of Changes (Specific details of new/revised requirements are found in table below):
- Additional insulation material requirements.
- Additional tamper-resistant receptacle requirements.
- Additional Weather-resistant receptacle requirements.
- Additional corrosion resistance requirements.
- Additional marking requirements.
- Additional requirements for outlet devices and attachment plug terminals.
Schedule: So that shipping of products with Listing Marks will not be interrupted, an approximate schedule has been established to ensure Listing Reports are found compliant by Effective Date:
- September 30, 2014 = 6 Month Report Review – Intertek will review all Reports. Update if compliance is verified or issue Findings Letter/Quote for any re-evaluations needed
- October 30, 2014 = 5 Month Quote Cut-off – Quotes returned for necessary re-evaluations
- February 27, 2015 = 30 Day Warning – Client advised of all non-compliant Reports to be Suspended
- March 31, 2015 = Effective Date – ATM Suspended for all non-compliant Reports
Fees: An initial review of Listing Report (s) will be covered by a direct billing project and will be invoiced at not more than $1000 per report.
Client Action Required:
Information – To assist our Engineer with review of your Listing Reports, please submit technical information in response to the new/revised paragraphs noted in the attached or explain why these new/revised requirements do not apply to your product (s).
Current Listings Not Active? – Please immediately identify any current Listing Reports or products that are no longer active and should be removed from our records. We will do this at no charge as long as Intertek is notified in writing prior to the review of your reports.Description of New/Revised Technical Requirements
Clause | Verdict | Comment | NC# |
| NOTE: Additions to existing requirements are underlined below, and deleted sections are crossed out. |
5.1.3 | Info | Insulating materials |
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| A polymeric material used for electrical insulation or enclosure of live parts shall have a temperature index, |
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| Compliance with Clause shall be determined in accordance with CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 0.17 or by accelerated aging test in Clause 8.6 |
5.10 |
| Tamper-resistant receptacles |
5.11 | Info | Weather-resistant receptacles |
5.11.1 |
| Weather-resistant receptacles shall be marked in accordance with Clause 7.5 and shall comply with the construction requirements of Clauses 5.11.2 and 5.11.3 and the test requirements of Clause 8.36. |
5.11.2 | Info | Insulating materials |
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| An insulating material used in the construction of the face of a weather-resistant receptacle shall complywith Clause 8.36.4. |
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| Insulating materials used in the construction of components other than the face of a weather-resistant receptacle (e.g., body, shutters, and indicator lights) shall not be required to comply with Clause This exception shall not apply to external shutters located on the outer face of the device. |
5.11.3 | Info | Corrosion resistance |
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| Except as noted in Clause, all current-carrying parts shall be copper alloy. |
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| All wire-binding screws and terminal pressure plates shall be copper alloy or stainless steel having a minimum of 16% chromium content. An internal backwire nut may be steel protected with nickel, as described in Clause or (iv). Sheared or cut edges shall be protected; this protection shall not be required for punched holes with screw threads. |
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| Metals used in combination shall be galvanically compatible. |