Organisations are increasing their online presence, making information more accessible than ever before. But this positive move can in turn present added risk to your business, data and customers, with the implications of compromised security often leading to well publicised financial and reputational damage.

A false sense of security can lead to the continued existence of application vulnerabilities, so putting your faith in a weak, fully automated application scan that fails to discover all of the issues can potentially be worse than doing no testing at all. Applications are complex, varied and business critical, so automated scanning is rarely adequate or appropriate.

Intertek NTA recommends involving a security partner early in the application development cycle, to work alongside developers and third parties to ensure security is built in from the ground up. Thereafter, regular testing should become a feature of your risk management process.

Intertek NTA’s application tests frequently identify issues from the OWASP Top Ten list of most critical vulnerabilities, with advice then being provided on how to apply the most appropriate fix and on how to avoid future occurrences. Applications based on or incorporating API and Web Services are also thoroughly assessed, as are those designed for mobile access or for internal utilisation, including heavy clients.

Our accreditations

IT Health Service Check Service
Crown Commercial Service Provider
PCI Security Standards Council Approved Scanning Vendor
The Cyber Scheme Certified Tester